4938 E 11th Ave
Hialeah, Florida 33013
+1 786 305 3641
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2016 Multiquip WhisperWatt Diesel Generator 25 KVA Super Silent Trailer Mounted
Item SKU: 121006
Year: 2016
Model: DCA-25SSIU4
Hours: 1,376
Engine: Isuzu engine
Super silent Diesel generator.
Voltage - Three phase 208, 220, 240, 416, 440, 480V Switchable
Voltage - Single Phase 120, 127, 139, 240, 254, 277V Switchable
Solid trailer, single axle
Excellent running condition
Request your freight shipping quote! SHIPPING TO 48 STATES.
We offer a wide variety of prime quality generators on different size and brands, ask us if you do not find what you need.
All of our units are LOAD BANK TESTED and serviced with brand new oil and filters. Ready to work!
Category Diesel Generators
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